
Classical music is a boundless universe where the threads of history, remarkable events, and the fates of individuals are woven together into a rich tapestry of sound and emotion. Every composer paints their own story using a unique palette, expressing the deepest thoughts and dreams of our civilization. This timeless music not only nurtures our souls but also enriches our minds in ways that have been confirmed by countless studies in recent years.

It is well known that introducing young children to classical music fosters the development of language, reading, and verbal skills, as well as reasoning and spatial intelligence. Playing an instrument, in turn, enhances motor skills, strengthens both short-term and long-term memory, boosts self-confidence, and nurtures creativity, opening the door to a world of endless possibilities.

HOWEVER... Babies and young children are often not welcome in classical concert halls. It's common to see concert posters marked with age restrictions like "3+," "5+," or even "6+." The reason? These are serious performances, and it's assumed that young children may struggle to stay quiet and behave as expected. But this raises two important questions:

 - How can we introduce our children to classical music from an early age and let them reap its benefits?

 - How will our children learn proper concert etiquette if they aren’t allowed to attend and observe the behavior of adults?

As both parents and professional classical musicians with extensive experience, we’ve created a solution: "DIGGY DINOS CLASSICAL”! It features Classical concerts for kids; Puppet show & Classical music; Fairytales & Classical music.

Our performances are thoughtfully designed for our youngest audience, fully considering the unique nature of their behavior. Children are welcome to stroll a little around, to explore the instruments, ask questions, and learn by observing the adults who can set an example of a proper concert etiquette. Most valuable is that kids are not forced to follow too strict rules and they can express themselves and also show how different music makes them feel.

Step by step, we guide them through an educational journey, introducing them to concert etiquette, musical instruments, composers, styles, and genres. We also bring the magic of ballet and opera to life in a fun, kid-friendly way and blend classical masterpieces with beloved fairy tales, all enhanced by engaging musical games and live classical music.

A key goal of our concerts is to introduce children not only to classical music, its different periods, composers, and genres, but also to the diverse range of classical instruments. This early exposure can inspire a desire in them to play an instrument themselves one day, allowing them to experience the many developmental benefits that music offers.

Ultimately, our mission is to nurture a love for classical music in both our young and not-so-young audiences, helping them learn, appreciate, and fully enjoy the experience of attending a classical concert.


  • How long is the duration of the concerts?

    A concert normally runs from 45 minutes to 1 hour.

  • What is the age requirement of the kids attending the concert?

    We recommend to expose children to musical concerts as it also helps build their interest in music and personality development.

  • Are the parents required to be at the concert?

    We encourage parents to join. It's also their bonding with their kids to enjoy a nice musical concert.

  • How frequent are you having these concerts?

    Normally once a month